How Non-Ionized Radiation Affects Our Daily Lives

Radiation is Everywhere

Radiation/Wi-Fi is something that you can not see or feel, but it is all around us. In the environment, we have “background radiation” from the electro-magnetic field that is always on Earth. Humans are exposed to radiation every day, whether “from natural resources such as minerals in the ground to man-made sources such as medical x-rays.” (1)

Health Effects from Radiation

Radiation exposure can have adverse health effects on the human body. Some of these effects include depression, insomnia, fatigue, headaches, and even forms of cancer.(2) As time progresses in these areas, radiation exposure can increase the severity of the effects on the body. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of the level of radiation one is being exposed to in their office and surroundings at work to know if they are in a safe working environment.

Invisible Radiation

Radiation levels change depending on the time of day, transmitter output power, and other parameters. However, in the average US home, the relative dose of radiation one would receive annually is 228 millirems.(3) While those working in educational institutions, medical and industrial high-tech companies are at risk for harmful effects from radiation, it is also essential to know that in a home, there can be potentially dangerous levels of radiation exposure, which needs to be accounted for.

All people should be protected from this invisible radiation, especially when we spend so much of our time at work and school. In addition, Wi-Fi is being used widely in many public settings. Due to the vast amount of users, operators must transmit Wi-Fi with more power and in more transmission locations (access points). As a result, people are currently much more exposed to this radiation in most places they are staying.


1 “Radiation Sources and Doses.” EPA, Environmental Protection Agency,
2 “Radiation Health Effects.” EPA, Environmental Protection Agency,
3 Laura. “Ncrp Report 160 – NCRP: Bethesda, MD.” NCRP, 3 June 2015,


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